Wednesday, February 23, 2011

9th Grade Biology--2 Classes on Evolution

I'm a para-educator (teaching assistant) at a junior high school in the Midwest. We just got done doing a pretty large unit on DNA--the mechanisms, the way it's copied, the way it's made up of a chain of amino acids, the possibility for errors and changes, etc.

When it comes to the theory of evolution, however, they are going to spend 2 brief class periods on test. I can't help but think it's a shame they're glossing over the foundation of biology, especially after having discussed most of the mechanisms that drive it, going into great detail about Mendel's pea plants, etc.

I'll refrain from making overgeneralizations and whining too much about it. I think it speaks for itself. The next time you see statistics showing the US giving way to other countries in science and innovation, take a look right in your own back yard.